Our Milestones Program
Our Milestones Program
Our role as educators, help your child achieve these milestones! And watch your little treasure flourish and grow to learn!
Through nurturing and developing secure attachments with your baby we encourage them to grow and learn. We place great emphasis on meeting your child’s individual routine for our babies to ensure a smooth transition between home and our centre.
The staffing of educators within the baby room focus on continuity of care.
Families are instrumental and the exchange of information about your little one is very important.
Love Of Learning Educators program developmental experiences for your child according to their level of skill and based on their interest. We follow your child’s lead and aim to increase your child’s skills and abilities in preparation for transition to the toddler group.
Developmental Goals and Objectives
- Encourage self-help skills (e.g. feeding and playing alongside others)
- Feed self, first with fingers, then with a spoon
- Hold own bottle, then drink from a trainer cup
- Pull off socks and hats
- Undress with a little help!
- Developing listening skills
- Simple hand /eye tasks
- Block building
- Play dough manipulation
- Simple puzzles
- How to grip a crayon and draw scribbles!
- Gross Motor Skills
- Kick a ball
- Push & pull wheeled toys while walking
- Encouraging language development (e.g. naming common objects such as animals)
- Exploring music and art and craft
- Messy Play Time-Sensory Trays (Include Goop, Play Dough, Slime, Textured Items)
- Collage
- Drawing
- Painting and many more
- Begin to label colours and shapes
- Using manners
- Encouraging washing hands and faces
- Following basic instructions
- Follow a positive routine
- Respond and interacting positively with peers
- Social and emotional development is significant during the early years. We nurture our little friends, foster social interactions and encourage play and sharing.
- We also give lots of tender loving cuddles.
- Separates positively from parents
Independence here we come! We like to call it the terrific twos! Your child’s development will blossom during this year. They are like little sponges taking it all in. Independence is also on the rise as your child learns to do so much more for themselves.
We aim to cater for your child’s growing independence during their toddler years. The popular phrase of “I can do it!” is very common at this age and our educators are here to ensure your child can!
Friendship development, social interaction, decision making and self help skills are mastered during this age. Language skills will develop and thrive and an eagerness for learning will increase through the use of interest based learning experiences.
We have two groups, one for children aged 2-2 1/2 years (caterpillars) and the other for children aged 2 1/2-3 years (bigger caterpillars).
Developmental Goals and Objectives
2 – 2 1/2 Years – Caterpillars
- Encourage positive social interactions
- Interactions in small groups
- Interact in large groups
- Join peers in their play
- Develop friendships
- Participate in a wide range of activities
- Laugh, smile and have fun!
- Literacy, Numeracy and language Skills
- Recognition of shapes and colours
- Counting 1-5
- Using manners
- Using language to communicate their needs/wants with short sentences
- Naming common objects
- Pronunciation of words
- Fine Motor
- How to hold a pencil
- How to use writing tools
- Drawing – circles, lines & dots
- Introduction to scissor use
- Block building
- Threading
- Play dough manipulation
- Gross motor confidence
- Walk on a line, backwards, on tiptoes and heel toe
- Balance
- Run, jump and hop
- Climb
- Throw, catch and kick balls
- Music, Movement and Dance
- Play instruments
- Sing
- Play group games
- Art and Craft
- Drawing
- Sensory Trays
- Collage
- Construction
- Painting and many more
- Concentration skills (15 minutes)
- Following instructions
- Self-help skills
- To dress and undress themselves
- To look after and care for their own belongings
- To complete simple hygiene tasks, such as wiping their own nose
- To do their “jobs” (putting their drink bottle away, placing their plate in the washing up container)
2 1/2 – 3 Years – Bigger Caterpillars
- Naming colours and shapes
- Counting 1-10
- Using scissors correctly
- Working on correct pencil grip
- Developing longer and more complex sentences
- Answering questions at small group times
- Identifying their name
- Self-help skills (e.g. putting shoes on)
- Develop their listening and comprehension skills
- Understanding and following routines
- Encourage questions about the world around them
- Speak in small group situations
- Begin problem solving skills
The Preschool Programs are designed to support your child in reaching their highest potential in all areas of learning and development in preparation for school.
Love Of Learning Pre school programs cater for children aged 3-5 years. We have two groups, one for children aged 3-4 years (junior butterflies) and the other for children aged 4-5 years (fluttering butterflies).
Developmental Goals and Objectives
3 – 4 Years – Junior Butterflies
• Encourage positive social interactions
• Recognition of all shapes and colours
• Control with scissors
• Correct pencil grip and control
• Regular counting 1-10
• Recognising numbers 1-5
• Recognising their name in typed style
• Concentration skills for 15 minute activities
• Develop listening and comprehension skills
• Recognition of numbers and letters and knowing the difference
• Recognise and write their name
• Recognise and write numbers
• Recognise sounds
• Understanding of the greater world, including looking at other countries, cultures and languages
• longer, more abstract and complex conversations. He’ll probably also want to talk about a wide range of topics, and his vocabulary will continue to grow. He might well show that he understands the basic rules of grammar, as he experiments with more complex sentences.
• Preliminary mathematical concepts
• Learn skills to show empathy towards others
• Hygienically self-toileting
• Encouraging children to question the world around them (science experiments, gardening, cooking etc.)
• Taking turns and sharing
4 – 5 Years – Fluttering Butterflies
- Manipulative and Fine Motor Experiences
- Drawing (name and number writing)
- Cutting with scissors along straight and patterned lines
- Threading needles, sewing and weaving
- Puzzles
- Construction
- Be able to accurately form their name without assistance
- Know the phonic sounds of at least the letters in their name
- Form the lower case letters of the alphabet
- Name the letters of the alphabet
- With Pre Lit Macquarie University Program, children will
- Learn words that rhyme through stories
- Develop an understanding of syllables and sounds of words through playing various games
- Children will be involved in discussing the date, the days of the week and the month of the year each day
- Listening skills are developed through stories, group projects and interactive games
- Develop problem solving skills
- Recognise numbers 1-10
- Write the numbers 1-10
- Match the number of objects to the written number
- Confidently speak in front of a group of their peers
- Interact positively with their peers and teachers when giving and receiving information
- Educators provide role plays and social stories to facilitate positive behaviour and encourage the children to develop inclusive values and beliefs
- Friendships are encouraged during play
- Children learn co-operation, patience and turn taking through group exercises and role plays
- Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their belongings and their behaviour (children look after their own lockers and take responsibility in tidying the room)
- Children also begin to understand how to show empathy and sympathy
- Follow simple instructions
- Self Help Skills
- How to pack their own bag
- How to zip up their own bag
- How to button their own shirt
- How to put on their own shoes and socks
- Physical Education – Gross Motor
- Through Munch n Move we develop:
- Balance
- Co-ordination
- Strength
- We encourage activities involving:
- Skipping
- The obstacle course
- Balancing
- Kicking and throwing balls
- Doing forward somersaults and sausage rolls
- Team games and sport
- Through Munch n Move we develop:
- Art and Craft
- Drawing
- Clay
- Collage
- Construction
- Painting and many more
Through nurturing and developing secure attachments with your baby we encourage them to grow and learn. We place great emphasis on meeting your child’s individual routine for our babies to ensure a smooth transition between home and our centre.
The staffing of educators within the baby room focus on continuity of care.
Families are instrumental and the exchange of information about your little one is very important.
Love Of Learning Educators program developmental experiences for your child according to their level of skill and based on their interest. We follow your child’s lead and aim to increase your child’s skills and abilities in preparation for transition to the toddler group.
Developmental Goals and Objectives
- Encourage self-help skills (e.g. feeding and playing alongside others)
- Feed self, first with fingers, then with a spoon
- Hold own bottle, then drink from a trainer cup
- Pull off socks and hats
- Undress with a little help!
- Developing listening skills
- Simple hand /eye tasks
- Block building
- Play dough manipulation
- Simple puzzles
- How to grip a crayon and draw scribbles!
- Gross Motor Skills
- Kick a ball
- Push & pull wheeled toys while walking
- Encouraging language development (e.g. naming common objects such as animals)
- Exploring music and art and craft
- Messy Play Time-Sensory Trays (Include Goop, Play Dough, Slime, Textured Items)
- Collage
- Drawing
- Painting and many more
- Begin to label colours and shapes
- Using manners
- Encouraging washing hands and faces
- Following basic instructions
- Follow a positive routine
- Respond and interacting positively with peers
- Social and emotional development is significant during the early years. We nurture our little friends, foster social interactions and encourage play and sharing.
- We also give lots of tender loving cuddles.
- Separates positively from parents
Independence here we come! We like to call it the terrific twos! Your child’s development will blossom during this year. They are like little sponges taking it all in. Independence is also on the rise as your child learns to do so much more for themselves.
We aim to cater for your child’s growing independence during their toddler years. The popular phrase of “I can do it!” is very common at this age and our educators are here to ensure your child can!
Friendship development, social interaction, decision making and self help skills are mastered during this age. Language skills will develop and thrive and an eagerness for learning will increase through the use of interest based learning experiences.
We have two groups, one for children aged 2-2 1/2 years (caterpillars) and the other for children aged 2 1/2-3 years (bigger caterpillars).
Developmental Goals and Objectives
2 – 2 1/2 Years – Caterpillars
- Encourage positive social interactions
- Interactions in small groups
- Interact in large groups
- Join peers in their play
- Develop friendships
- Participate in a wide range of activities
- Laugh, smile and have fun!
- Literacy, Numeracy and language Skills
- Recognition of shapes and colours
- Counting 1-5
- Using manners
- Using language to communicate their needs/wants with short sentences
- Naming common objects
- Pronunciation of words
- Fine Motor
- How to hold a pencil
- How to use writing tools
- Drawing – circles, lines & dots
- Introduction to scissor use
- Block building
- Threading
- Play dough manipulation
- Gross motor confidence
- Walk on a line, backwards, on tiptoes and heel toe
- Balance
- Run, jump and hop
- Climb
- Throw, catch and kick balls
- Music, Movement and Dance
- Play instruments
- Sing
- Play group games
- Art and Craft
- Drawing
- Sensory Trays
- Collage
- Construction
- Painting and many more
- Concentration skills (15 minutes)
- Following instructions
- Self-help skills
- To dress and undress themselves
- To look after and care for their own belongings
- To complete simple hygiene tasks, such as wiping their own nose
- To do their “jobs” (putting their drink bottle away, placing their plate in the washing up container)
2 1/2 – 3 Years – Bigger Caterpillars
- Naming colours and shapes
- Counting 1-10
- Using scissors correctly
- Working on correct pencil grip
- Developing longer and more complex sentences
- Answering questions at small group times
- Identifying their name
- Self-help skills (e.g. putting shoes on)
- Develop their listening and comprehension skills
- Understanding and following routines
- Encourage questions about the world around them
- Speak in small group situations
- Begin problem solving skills
The Preschool Programs are designed to support your child in reaching their highest potential in all areas of learning and development in preparation for school.
Love Of Learning Pre school programs cater for children aged 3-5 years. We have two groups, one for children aged 3-4 years (junior butterflies) and the other for children aged 4-5 years (fluttering butterflies).
Developmental Goals and Objectives
3 – 4 Years – Junior Butterflies
• Encourage positive social interactions
• Recognition of all shapes and colours
• Control with scissors
• Correct pencil grip and control
• Regular counting 1-10
• Recognising numbers 1-5
• Recognising their name in typed style
• Concentration skills for 15 minute activities
• Develop listening and comprehension skills
• Recognition of numbers and letters and knowing the difference
• Recognise and write their name
• Recognise and write numbers
• Recognise sounds
• Understanding of the greater world, including looking at other countries, cultures and languages
• longer, more abstract and complex conversations. He’ll probably also want to talk about a wide range of topics, and his vocabulary will continue to grow. He might well show that he understands the basic rules of grammar, as he experiments with more complex sentences.
• Preliminary mathematical concepts
• Learn skills to show empathy towards others
• Hygienically self-toileting
• Encouraging children to question the world around them (science experiments, gardening, cooking etc.)
• Taking turns and sharing
4 – 5 Years – Fluttering Butterflies
- Manipulative and Fine Motor Experiences
- Drawing (name and number writing)
- Cutting with scissors along straight and patterned lines
- Threading needles, sewing and weaving
- Puzzles
- Construction
- Be able to accurately form their name without assistance
- Know the phonic sounds of at least the letters in their name
- Form the lower case letters of the alphabet
- Name the letters of the alphabet
- With Pre Lit Macquarie University Program, children will
- Learn words that rhyme through stories
- Develop an understanding of syllables and sounds of words through playing various games
- Children will be involved in discussing the date, the days of the week and the month of the year each day
- Listening skills are developed through stories, group projects and interactive games
- Develop problem solving skills
- Recognise numbers 1-10
- Write the numbers 1-10
- Match the number of objects to the written number
- Confidently speak in front of a group of their peers
- Interact positively with their peers and teachers when giving and receiving information
- Educators provide role plays and social stories to facilitate positive behaviour and encourage the children to develop inclusive values and beliefs
- Friendships are encouraged during play
- Children learn co-operation, patience and turn taking through group exercises and role plays
- Children are encouraged to take responsibility for their belongings and their behaviour (children look after their own lockers and take responsibility in tidying the room)
- Children also begin to understand how to show empathy and sympathy
- Follow simple instructions
- Self Help Skills
- How to pack their own bag
- How to zip up their own bag
- How to button their own shirt
- How to put on their own shoes and socks
- Physical Education – Gross Motor
- Through Munch n Move we develop:
- Balance
- Co-ordination
- Strength
- We encourage activities involving:
- Skipping
- The obstacle course
- Balancing
- Kicking and throwing balls
- Doing forward somersaults and sausage rolls
- Team games and sport
- Through Munch n Move we develop:
- Art and Craft
- Drawing
- Clay
- Collage
- Construction
- Painting and many more